Friday, April 29, 2016

Civil War Possible Topics

Image result for The American Civil War

Your first responsibility as a group is to explore the Civil War books and websites in class and decide which topic is of most interest to you. Only 1 group will be allowed to research each topic. If you need more information once you have chosen a topic, I will help you locate some extra resources.

Here are some topics that fifth graders in the past have chosen. You are not limited to this list and can choose any Civil War topic that is of interest to you.

Civil War Possible Topics
Harriet Tubman
The Underground Railroad
Women's Roles in the Civil War
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Vicksburg
Children's roles in the Civil War
The Union and The Confederacy
The Surrender at Appomattox
The Battle of Fort Sumter
The Gettysburg Address
The Battle of Antietam
Life in the Union States versus life in the Confederate States

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