Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Online Encyclopedias

Here are 2 resources you can use for your research!


username- williamses
password- tigers

World Book

username- ew1
Password- tigers

Monday, November 21, 2016

Colonial Jobs

Image result for Colonial jobs

You and your partner have just been sent back in time and given a colonial occupation! What are you responsible for in your town?

Read and take notes from the website. Be sure you are the expert in your field because you will be teaching the rest of the class what you do in the town.

When you finish this, add your information to the appropriate place on the shared google doc. Please write only in the box describing your job.

If you have extra time at the end, you may read some of the other descriptions listed. Good luck!

Click here to begin!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Raz Kids

Image result for online reading

This morning we are going to use the site RAZkids for some non-fiction reading!

Go to   Click here!

Click on Kids Login.

For teacher username, you will use ewoods3. Find your name. Your regular account password will be your Raz password!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Image result for shark clipart

The website osearch is a global shark tracker. Oceanologists place chips on sharks and track their movement. When the shark's dorsal fin comes above the surface of the water, it send a signal, or ping, to a satellite. This website tracks the pings sent from the sharks and shows the miles they have traveled.

Click on this link to begin studying shark movement.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Our Changing Nation

Use the website below to analyze how the Americas changed during the Age of Exploration.

Click this link

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Jamestown Webquest

Image result for john smith

Join Captain John Smith on his adventure beginning the Jamestown colony.

Click this link to begin!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Explorer Websites

Image result for age of exploration

Use these sites below to explore information about some famous explorers!

Explorer Biographies...and more!
Check out this site for some cool biographies and maps to help you research.

World Explorers

Read here to find more explorer information.

Here are some sites about specific explorers:


Hernan Cortes

Vasco da Gama

Sir Francis Drake

Ferdinand Magellan

Francisco Pizarro

Marco Polo

Ponce de Leon

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Group Websites

In addition to the sites we started reading yesterday, here are some other websites that might be helpful to you:

Team 1- Assassination of Lincoln
Site #1

Site #2

Site #3

Team 2- Battle of Gettysburg
Site #1

Site #2

Site #3

Site #4

Team 3- Harriet Tubman
Site #1

Site #2

Site #3

Team 4- Underground Railroad

Site #1

Site #2

Site #3

Image result for research clipart

Friday, April 29, 2016

Civil War Possible Topics

Image result for The American Civil War

Your first responsibility as a group is to explore the Civil War books and websites in class and decide which topic is of most interest to you. Only 1 group will be allowed to research each topic. If you need more information once you have chosen a topic, I will help you locate some extra resources.

Here are some topics that fifth graders in the past have chosen. You are not limited to this list and can choose any Civil War topic that is of interest to you.

Civil War Possible Topics
Harriet Tubman
The Underground Railroad
Women's Roles in the Civil War
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Vicksburg
Children's roles in the Civil War
The Union and The Confederacy
The Surrender at Appomattox
The Battle of Fort Sumter
The Gettysburg Address
The Battle of Antietam
Life in the Union States versus life in the Confederate States

Civil War Research Sites

Civil War Info for Fifth Graders
This site has information about the causes of the Civil War, important battles of the Civil War, major events in the Civil War, important people in the Civil War and other information about the country splitting into two parts.

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
This site has information about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The first four pages will help you. The last two are worksheets that you will not need.

Civil War Site for Kids
This site has information about Civil War battles, Civil War uniforms, a timeline of events, information about the Emancipation Proclamation, and biographies of Civil War leaders.

Slavery and the Civil War
This site has information about slavery and how it was one cause of the Civil War.

Children during the Civil War
Here you can read information about children's roles during the Civil War.

Interactive Battle Map
You can click on this map to read about different Civil War battles

Civil War Battles
Find information about the major battles of the Civil War.

Important People of the Civil War
Read short biographies of some of the most important people of the Civil War.

The Union and The Confederacy
Read about the important differences between each and see which states belonged to which side during the Civil War.

African Americans in the Civil War
This site describes the role of some African Americans during the Civil War.

Women's Roles during the Civil War
Read about the role of women.

Lots of Civil War Info
Here you can find info about people, battles, major events and life during the Civil War.

Civil War Glossary
Here is a list of important people, places, battles and vocabulary from the Civil War.

The Battle of Gettysburg

The Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman Site #1

Harriet Tubman Site #2

Harriet Tubman Site #3

Civil War Timeline of Events

Civil War Timeline 2

Monday, March 7, 2016

CMT Science Practice Website

Click on the link below to visit some CMT Science topics and review for the upcoming test!

Click here