Sunday, September 13, 2015

Exploration Project

Below, you will find the resources you will need for your social studies project.

Group 1- Emina, Jayson, Isabella, Adis, Jacob S.
Research: Vasco da Gama, John Cabot, Hernando de Soto

Group 2- Zack, Alyssa, Alex, Lwee, Cooper
Research: Bartolomeu Dias, Sir Francis Drake, Francisco Vazquez de Coronado

Group 3- Gianna, Nik, Alexis, Justin, Madison
Research: Columbus, Ponce de Leon, Marco Polo

Group 4- Finn, Veronica, Jacob F., Mia, Kieran
Research: Ferdinand Magellan, Samuel de Champlain, Jacques Cartier

Group 5- Mackenzie, Ryan, Lucas, Olivia, Emma
Research: What were the positive and negative effects of exploration by Europeans on Native Americans?

Groups 1-4
Bios of famous explorers

More explorer bios

(Note: on the second link, the route map and timeline will not work)

Group 5
Interactions of Europeans and Native Americans

How did European migration affect Native Americans?

(Note: Group 5- please use your atlas book and look at the lesson we did about "What Happened when 3 Worlds Met?)

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