Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Place Value Rap

Here is the place value rap we are practicing for the town meeting.

Listen at home an work on your moves!

Place Value Rap

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Jamestown Webquest #2!

Yesterday you took a turn as a colonist in the beginning of the Jamestown settlement. Today you will participate in another webquest. What information did you read yesterday that you can use to help you today? Do you see any differences or contradictions in information you read yesterday to information you read today? Why could that be?

While working today, take notes about-

Important survival information colonists would need to know in Jamestown
New information learned today
Information presented today that is different to something presented yesterday
Any questions you may have

I will collect your notes at the end of social studies today.

Click here for the next adventure!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Jamestown Adventure!

The first successful English colony in North America was Jamestown. Click the link below to take a trip back in time and join the Jamestown Adventure!

Jamestown Adventure

Friday, September 18, 2015

Front Row Math

This afternoon we will begin using Front Row Math. Click on the link below to log-in. You will then use the classroom code and your first and last name.

*****If the log-in code does not work, try a lowercase p instead of an uppercase P. This happens sometimes.

You will select the Base 10 section. You will click on "Start Diagnostic".

If you earn a trip to the Piggy Store, you can go.

If you finish the Base 10 section for the day, click the blue start key to do some math practice.

First, an order of operations joke.....   (PEMDAS)

Click here to get to Front Row Math.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Exploration Project

Below, you will find the resources you will need for your social studies project.

Group 1- Emina, Jayson, Isabella, Adis, Jacob S.
Research: Vasco da Gama, John Cabot, Hernando de Soto

Group 2- Zack, Alyssa, Alex, Lwee, Cooper
Research: Bartolomeu Dias, Sir Francis Drake, Francisco Vazquez de Coronado

Group 3- Gianna, Nik, Alexis, Justin, Madison
Research: Columbus, Ponce de Leon, Marco Polo

Group 4- Finn, Veronica, Jacob F., Mia, Kieran
Research: Ferdinand Magellan, Samuel de Champlain, Jacques Cartier

Group 5- Mackenzie, Ryan, Lucas, Olivia, Emma
Research: What were the positive and negative effects of exploration by Europeans on Native Americans?

Groups 1-4
Bios of famous explorers

More explorer bios

(Note: on the second link, the route map and timeline will not work)

Group 5
Interactions of Europeans and Native Americans

How did European migration affect Native Americans?

(Note: Group 5- please use your atlas book and look at the lesson we did about "What Happened when 3 Worlds Met?)