Friday, November 6, 2015

Climate Change

What is climate change? It is something that is on the news often. Why should we know about climate change? It can have an impact on many ecosystems.

Follow the steps below to learn more about climate change.

1) Watch the video Climate Change Basics.

2) Read about the Impacts of climate change.  Record them in your RRJ.

3) Examine the clues of climate change. Write a brief paragrah (4-5 sentences) describing some of the signs we see of climate change.

We will then come back together as a class and discuss what we can do to help.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Life in the Southern Colonies

Today you will work with a partner from your reading group to continue thinking about main ideas and supporting details.

In our mini-lesson, we talked about a few different types of graphic organizers we could quickly sketch to keep track of our main ideas and supporting details:

  • Boxes and bullets
  • High five
  • Concept web
Pick the organizer that works best for you!

Read about life in the Southern Colonies from the websites listed below for your groups. Then jot main ideas and supporting details from each section of the text. It might help you to create a separate page in your RRJ for each website.

Group 1 Sites

Group 2 Sites

Group 3 Sites

Middle Colonies

You will be assigned to groups. Your goal today is to read each of the websites listed for your group.

Before reading, you will:
a) Partner up with someone from your group.
b) Preview the text- talk as partners- What is this text mostly about? What do you think this text will tell?
c) In your RRJ, set up a 3 column chart. It will look like this:

Website Name
What I expect to learn
What I actually learned

d) Complete columns 1 and 2 with your partner as your preview the sites.
e) After previewing each site, read independently on your own. Be sure to record new information learned in the "What I acually learned" column. This does not have to be complete sentences. It can be jots.

Websites for Group 1:

Websites for Group 2: