Friday, October 30, 2015

The Salem Witch Trials

  Beginning in the fall of 1692, a group of men, women and even children were accused of witchcraft in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

National Geographic Site

What do scientists think really happened?

Questions and Answers from the Salem Musuem

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Jobs in Colonial America

Visit this website to learn about some of the important jobs people held in Colonial America. Which jobs are the same as jobs we see today? Which jobs have changed?

Monday, October 19, 2015

Shark Week!

This website has factual information about types of sharks, their habitat, predators, teeth and other interesting info:

Here is a site that includes facts about the Great White:

This website teaches about the Bull  Shark:

Want to learn about the Sand Tiger Shark?

Check out the hammerhead shark:

Here are some rare shark facts:

More little known info about sharks:

Basic facts about sharks:

Here is a site created by a veterinarian who works with sharks:

This is a great site with information about different species of sharks and efforts to protect them: